Designing Wellbeing
Designing Wellbeing
Light Shed builds well-being in any space. It decorates, illuminates, diffuses sound, absorbs noise, and is both smart and sustainable.
Light Shed offers colourful perceptions that transport us into metaphysical space, stimulating impressions and creating identities. Further, Light Shed comes together and comes apart, building variable and flexible shapes that can suit a multitude of uses and environments.
Its light is powerful and comfortable with a variable intensity and colour temperatures that can adapt to people’s visual and perceptive requirements by creating dynamic moods and therefore well-being. General lighting with a microprismatic screen and randomly modelled symmetrical elements to avoid any kind of geometrical or chromatic aberration while offering a high level of lighting efficiency and perfect luminance control.
New spaces are open and multi-purpose, with a high risk of sound contamination. Light Shed db60 is the version that features sound-absorbing panels.
The opposite of noise is silence. Silence amplifies our conversations and puts us in the spotlight. Silence makes space liveable again. Noise annoys. It makes listening difficult, it distances the listener, undermines concentration, and generates distractions and distress. Light Shed bd60 therefore provides design flexibility with office suitability.

Flexible, variable lighting combinations
in colours that create impressions and identities